Why students should have less or no homework

Did you ever want to go outside and play with your friends but turns out that you have homework to be done? I believe that students should get less or no homework. A lot of students go to a club after school, most clubs last around one hour or maybe even two hours. Its hard for children to fit homework and clubs in to one day. Its reasonable to be in school for six to seven hours but then you are really exited to home and go outside and play with your friends, but then you have to do homework for 45 minutes or maybe even an hour. The books students have to carry are pretty heavy too. It may cause health problems. And those are most of the reasons why I think students should have less or no homework. Thank you for reading.

Estela K

9 Replies to “Why students should have less or no homework”

  1. I don’t think we should have written homework because we are already in school learning for 6 hours and you don’t really learn anything from written homework but I think we should have learning homework because that helps you learn to spell words and know more Irish.

  2. I agree if someone had to walk home and have all the heavy books on their back.This would also cause pain on backs and shoulders.

  3. i dont think we should have homework because if someone needed to go somewhere like to go play football or go shopping and they came back late they would not be able to do it and if they had alot of homework they might have to do twice the amount of homework the next day

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